Important information regarding grant funding and financial services for homeowners, residents, and business owners, click here.
Guidelines for Septic and Onsite Wastewater Systems
Safety Guidelines for Floodwater After a Disaster or Emergency
Natural Disasters
Food & Water Safety
Safe Drug Use After Natural Disaster
Flooded Homes Cleanup Guidance
Weather Emergency Materials
was established on January 1, 2008 as authorized by the 2008 Suffolk County Adopted Operating Budget. Achieved through public education initiatives and public health outreach on the part of the Health Education and Tobacco Control Unit and the Bureau of Public Health Nursing, as well as other Health Department Divisions such as Patient Care, the mission of the Division is to inform Suffolk County residents how to lead healthier lifestyles.
Under the direction of the Suffolk County Health Department Commissioner, the Division of Preventive Medicine sponsors health fairs and other public events that proactively target Suffolk County populations who encounter high risk health factors such as heart disease diabetes, asthma, and stroke. The aim of the division is improving the lifestyle behaviors of these groups. Using preventive measures, targeting at risk groups through education and outreach will reduce emergency room visits as well as specialist services ultimately reducing costs to the taxpayer.
Office of Health Education and Tobacco Enforcement
Office of Minority Health
Bureau of Public Health Nursing
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Tips for Healthy Living